Sunday, December 23, 2012


{Stunning Colorado mountain range}

Dorothy was spot on when she said, "there's no place like home." I didn't understand how accurate she was until I moved 1700 miles away from home. After a stressful semester, I'm going to cherish these next two weeks at home. I'm going to sleep in my own bed, lounge on the couch and catch up on my favorite television shows, spend quality time with my friends and family, and partake in all the festive holiday activities possible. In January, I leave for Madrid and won't be back until the end of May. I'm really excited for my Spanish adventure, but before that, I'm going to enjoy being home.

Thursday, December 20, 2012


As the first half of my sophomore year comes to a close, I can't help but feel a mix of emotions: stress, melancholy, nostalgia, happiness. Between studying for finals and packing up my entire dorm room, I find that I don't have much time for anything else. I want to be able to spend quality time with my friends (because I won't see them for EIGHT MONTHS!) but I have so much that needs to get done and they're busy too. I'm sad to be leaving Boston, but excited to go back to Denver. I'm relieved that all this stress I'm feeling will soon be over. Most of all, I'm happy. Happy that I get a break from classes. Happy to see my family and high school friends. Happy that I can finally relax and enjoy the holiday season. All things considered, this semester was a good one and I think it's appropriate to look back at the highlights.

{My brightly decorated dorm}

{"Lobstah" night in the dining hall}

{Millennium Campus Conference at Northeastern University}

{Georgetown Cupcake in Boston - delicious!}

{A day in New York City}

{Stocking up on food for Hurricane Sandy}

{My adorable pumpkin}

{Engineers Without Borders Northeast Regional Conference at UPenn}

{Pretty New Jersey sunset}

{Thanksgiving Break (left: my brother and me, right: yummy breakfast from Snooze)}

{Holiday cupcakes and tree}

Monday, December 17, 2012

Enjoying Boston

On Sunday, I decided to take a spur of the moment study break and go see a play with my friend Michelle. The play was a Boston University production of Anne Boleyn at the Boston Center for the Arts in the South End. It was amazing! Although the play takes place in the 16th century, the dialogue was surprisingly fresh, laced with wit and sexual innuendo. I'm really glad I took Michelle up on the offer to see the play. The hours I lost in study time were well worth it!

On our way back to campus, Michelle and I made a pit stop at the Boston Common. I was delighted to see so many bright holiday lights strung on trees and streetlamps. I'm a huge fan of the holiday season, but, unfortunately, there isn't much festivity on campus. Although I've lived in Boston for nearly two years, I am not ashamed to admit I was snapping pictures like a tourist.

{Giant Christmas tree! Can you see me?}

{Star light, star bright} 

Sunday was truly a great day! My days in Boston are limited and I'm glad I was able to get out of the study lounge and enjoy some fresh air and culture. 

Sunday, December 16, 2012


On Saturday night, in order to blow off some finals induced steam, I grabbed my friends, Christine and Lili, and sang until my vocal cords ached (no lie!). There is this great karaoke place in Allston near campus called Do Re Mi. The beautiful thing about this particular karaoke joint is I didn't embarrass myself by singing off-key to a room full of strangers because Do Re Mi has private rooms for each karaoke-singing group. This set up is the best idea ever! No waiting ages for your turn to sing in a crowded karaoke bar. No fear of messing up lyrics or being booed off stage because who cares if you make a little mistake? You're among friends! It was the perfect way to bond with friends and de-stress after a full day of studying for finals. I will definitely go back for more!

Here are some pictures from our epic singing adventure:
Christine (left) and Lili (right)
{Sing it, ladies!}

{Belting trio!}

Saturday, December 15, 2012

About this blog

My motivation for creating this blog is so my family and friends have a way to stay updated on my life while I'm abroad next semester. It will also be a way for me to document my European adventures. A modern day scrapbook of sorts. I am brand new to the world of blogging and really have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm excited to learn! In an ideal world, l would update this blog every day. However, I do not think I will have something interesting enough to write about every day; my life is pretty boring. I think it is realistic for me to update at least once a week. Here's hoping!