Cheers to 20! |
Don't get me wrong. Growing up has it's benefits. Getting older is fun. I have more freedom. But with freedom comes more responsibility. There's always a trade off.
Anyways, I think 20 suits me. I like 20 so far. It has only been one day, but 20 is good.
Today was a decent day that ended really well. I woke up early this morning and video chatted with my mom and brother. That was the first highlight of my day. Since it's Wednesday I obviously had class. In the morning, I had electric circuit theory lecture for an hour and then discussion for an hour at UAM. Then I went to the Institute to study for my Spanish Civilization exam (of course the exam had to fall on my birthday). In the afternoon, I had Spanish class and then the exam. Luckily, the exam wasn't quite as bad as I thought it would be (I still should have studied more though).
After the exam, I went to get ice cream with Jennifer. This was the second highlight of my day. Although it's the middle of the week I couldn't not celebrate my birthday just a little bit. If I had just gone home right after the test then it would have been just like any other day. But today isn't just any other day. Today is my birthday! Jennifer and I went to a cute little chocolate shop/cafe near my apartment. I ordered Oreo gelato (DELICIOUS! Unlike any kind of Oreo or cookies 'n cream ice cream you'd ever find in the States) and Jen ordered Moscato sorbet. Then, because it's my twentieth birthday, I ordered a glass of champagne. Yum!
The third and final highlight of my day has been reading all of the wonderful happy birthday wishes people are leaving for me on my Facebook wall. So sweet! Thanks, guys!
I did feel a bit of the birthday blues today. Getting older always makes me a little sad, and it's also sad not being with family on my birthday. However, I'm not as traumatized about getting older this year as I usually am. Also, going out for ice cream and champagne cured my birthday blues immediately.
This coming weekend is labeled "Jasmine's Birthday Weekend" and my friends and I are going to celebrate! We're gonna go out, party, dance, and have a blast. (We're also gonna study a bit because we have a bio exam on Monday). Can't wait!
Overall, this has been a good birthday. I've had the chance to reflect on my 20 years on this planet and I'm happy with what I've accomplished so far. I'm thankful that I have the life that I do and for the opportunities I've been given. I look forward to another 20 years as good as the last.
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