Thursday, March 14, 2013

Preparing for Las Fallas

On Friday, after classes, I am going to Valencia with a large group of my fellow engineers. We have a three-day weekend and it so happens that there is a huge festival in Valencia. The festival is held in honor of St. Joseph's Day. It is massive and takes over the whole town. There are huge firework displays everyday, floats consisting of papiermâché sculptures, concerts, bullfights, parades, cooking competitions, and street parties. The grand finale of the festival consists of burning all of floats at midnight. Unfortunately, we will not be able to witness it because we have class on March 19. 

I'm excited for this weekend, but I'm also kind of nervous. I've heard that this festival is crazy. There are going to be tons of people everywhere. The fireworks displays are deafeningly loud and so powerful that they literally shake the city. I think I'm going to need earplugs!

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