Monday, January 28, 2013

Study Abroad Bucket List

While I'm studying abroad, there are some things that I just have to do. Some of these things are specific to Spain, while others will require me to travel outside of Spain. It may not be feasible to make all of these things happen, but I'm going to try to cross as many things off this list as possible.

  • Meet Enrique Iglesisas - He lives in Spain so this shouldn't be very difficult but apparently he isn't very popular in Spain. Anyways, I might just have to stalk him!
  • Go to Barcelona - Been there, done that; it was awesome! 
  • Go to Sevilla
  • Go to Carnival in Cadiz
  • Visit Morocco
  • Visit Paris
  • Visit London
  • Visit Italy (anywhere in italy!)
  • Go to the Prado museum
  • Reina Sofia museum
  • Visit the mountains
  • Shop at Zara - Love Zara! There are a few stores back in the States but I'd never been. It's a Spanish clothing store and cheaper in Spain than in the US. I got a pair of shoes and a blouse for 25 euros. I'll definitely be going back!
  • Make Spanish friends - This one shouldn't be so difficult but it is because I take all of my classes with BU students.
  • Go to Kapital - It's a seven story nightclub. I've heard it's a bit touristy, but definitely an experience.

As time goes on I'll probably add more to this list, but for now it's a good start.

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